Crisis Provision For Children

With young people being turned away or being moved from one county to the other, crisis provision is more in demand than ever. Young people with mental health illness or physical disabilities are even more disadvantaged at this lack of necessary support. Preventing children and young people the access that they need in order to prevent a crisis we are reducing this statistic, however, is the work is not done there will simply be no change.

Crisis in provision for Heartview Care Services provides an immediate planned response offering high-quality, short-term emergency intervention for young people, who may require a bridging placement, assessment for a period of specific time for focused work or a break for parents/carers and offer time to organise a support plan which will lessen the likelihood of family/placement breakdown. If Heartview Care Services has the capacity to offer support to a child or young person in an emergency, it will take into consideration the impact this may have on the children and young people currently residing there.